train train schedule train booking today train time table train schedule sri lanka train booking sri lanka

Special Trains for Presidential Election Duties

The Department of Railways announced special train services to assist government officials and security personnel during the presidential election. Starting today, a train will depart from Colombo Fort to Kankasanthurai at 9 AM, with the same service scheduled for tomorrow. Additionally, two special trains will return from Kankasanthurai to Colombo Fort tomorrow and on September…

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Campaigns over, silent period till Saturday

All campaigning activities of the candidates contesting for the 2024 Presidential Election ended at midnight yesterday (18). Accordingly, the silent period will remain enforced until the Presidential Election is held on Saturday (21), the Election Commission announced. During the silence period, any type of campaigning is strictly prohibited and the Police has been authorised to…

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President For Tomorrow’s Sri Lanka

As the final lap of the presidential election campaign comes to its close at midnight on Wednesday, there is no certainty about the outcome. The only certainty is that it will be one of three candidates—incumbent president Ranil Wickremesinghe, opposition leader Sajith Premadasa or NPP leader Anura Kumara Dissanayake. The other 35 candidates including the…

IMF next review after presidential election – Julie Kozak
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IMF next review after presidential election – Julie Kozak

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) emphasized that Sri Lanka’s upcoming presidential elections are for the people to decide. During a press briefing, Julie Kozack, the IMF’s Spokesperson, explained that discussions on the next review of Sri Lanka’s economic program will take place after the elections, once a new government is in place. Kozack reiterated that…

gossip news sri lanka

Special transport services for long weekend

Transportation authorities have announced special arrangements for people travelling to villages for the upcoming long weekend holiday. The Sri Lanka Transport Board (SLTB) has confirmed that approximately 60 additional buses will be put into operation starting today (Sep. 13) to accommodate the increased demand. These additional buses aim to provide convenient and efficient travel options…

16,0000 children in Sri Lanka suffer from acute malnutrition

16,0000 children in Sri Lanka suffer from acute malnutrition

According to the Parliamentary Special Committee’s report on child malnutrition, about 16,000 children in Sri Lanka are suffering from acute malnutrition. The report also reveals that one-quarter of the country’s families depend on food from their neighbors. The reports show that food insecurity has increased significantly. In March of last year, 17% of households were…

exam results 2020 grade 5

Grade 5 Scholarship : Tuition classes banned from midnight tomorrow

Conducting tuition classes, seminars and other workshops targeting the 2024 Grade 05 Scholarship Examination is prohibited from midnight tomorrow (Sep.11). The Commissioner General of Examinations – Amith Jayasundara announced that the printing and distribution of model question papers related to the Grade 5 Scholarship Examination is also prohibited. It is also strictly prohibited to publish…

Peacebuilding In A Time Of Transition

Peacebuilding In A Time Of Transition

The effort of the March 12 Movement, a civil society collective, to bring presidential candidates onto one platform and share their visions and hopes with the general population was successful in its second round. All six of the presidential candidates who had been scheduled for the debate participated as expected and shared their visions and…

Freedom of Expression, Elections, and the Legality of Suppressing a Writer’s Voice in Sri Lanka
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Freedom of Expression, Elections, and the Legality of Suppressing a Writer’s Voice in Sri Lanka

In Sri Lanka, the Election Commission bears the primary responsibility of ensuring that electoral processes are conducted independently, impartially, and fairly. The Constitution of Sri Lanka establishes the Election Commission as an independent entity to oversee the organization of Presidential, Parliamentary, Provincial, and Local Government elections in line with the laws enacted by Parliament and…