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Sources of the Parliament of Sri Lanka say that the mandates of the Financial Oversight Committees (FOCs) and the Sectoral Oversight Committees (SOCs) are under review.

Sri Lanka Parliament sources say that there are overlaps in the mandates of the Financial Oversight Committees (FOCs) and the Sectoral Oversight Committees (SOCs). MPs say that the overlaps are primarily amongst each group of committees, but there are also issues between the FOCs and the SOCs. They highlight that the lack of definition of the mandates for the SOCs and the complicated mandates of the FOCs under the Standing Orders have resulted in multiple committees summoning the same government ministries, agencies and officials to repeated committee meetings. The lack of clarity in mandates has also resulted in multiple committees investigating the same (or similar) issues and miniseries/agencies.

Sri Lanka parliament has six FOCs and 17 SOCs.

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